Lisa Harrison
An Eastern North Carolina native, lovely, loyal and detail-oriented Lisa has been married over 22 years to her devoted husband Duane. They have two daughters: kind and compassionate older daughter Kenli, who is in college, and witty, outgoing Kaybren. Their family includes her sweet, constant companion Frankie
and former shelter dog Oz, who loves to cuddle.
In 2018, Kenli, who is a future occupational therapist with a passion for special needs kids, married Pate, her sweetheart since 7th grade.
For Lisa the beach is a god-given place of peace. Once she drops over that dune, any problems are on the other side. Her love for the water extends to enjoying water skiing, boating and kayaking.
“To pursue happiness is part of my daily agenda. I believe we attract what we radiate in every sense. While circumstances can be challenging, unexpected and sometimes may even seem hopeless, the way we react to those circumstances has incredible impact on our mental, spiritual, and overall well being, and more importantly, the people around us. Client and Caregiver interaction is a great stage to showcase God’s love, giving encouragement and hope to those who need it. Being in a position to show compassion and kindness is no coincidence. It is God’s plan and I will honor it.”

North Carolina native
Over 20 years Administrative experience
15 years Medical Administrative experience
Focused on:
- Exceptional Patient Care
- Building relationships with patients, facilities, therapists and any medical providers in the realm of patient care
- Maintaining positive, honest relationships with co-workers
- Seeking God’s provision in every avenue
Call Us: 252-881-0118
By being a place of love, care and development that is unquenched until all people with limb deficiencies are cared for, we, like the sun, would warm the world of people needing prosthetics.