Sam Barnes

Born and raised in Madison, Alabama, Sam has an older sister Isabelle, a younger sister Adeline, and two loving parents.  Sam played football and basketball throughout his school years, then went to Auburn University, earning his Engineering Degree.

While a junior at Auburn, he conducted research with the Sports Biomechanics Laboratory in the School of Kinesiology.  It was in this lab, during a project with the wheelchair basketball team, that Sam discovered Prosthetics and Orthotics. This was also where he discovered his passion for helping people walk on their own.

Following his heart, Sam earned his Master’s Degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics in Tampa, Florida. Joining Sunshine Prosthetics’ team in Charlotte, NC, he loves how Sunshine’s priorities align with his own beliefs of caring for those who need it most.


Call Us: 252-881-0118
By being a place of love, care and development that is unquenched until all people with limb deficiencies are cared for, we, like the sun, would warm the world of people needing prosthetics.